If you reside in Tasmania, you may be fully aware of the issue’s birds entering your gutters and using your roof space as a nesting ground can cause?
Not only are birds nesting in your roof space a health hazard, but they are also an annoying nuisance that can drive even the most sane individual crazy. You may have tried alternative methods to keep out birds? We’ve witnessed toy snakes on roofs, fake owls screwed to gutters, wire mesh and timber in gutters as a means of keeping out birds. But the truth is most of these tactics don’t work and the best and most effective means of keeping birds out of your gutters is by installing Aluminium Gutter Guard protection to your gutters. Our system is 100% bird proof, and we guarantee that once installed birds will not be able to access your gutters anymore.
We’ve serviced hundreds of customers in and around Tasmania who have experienced bird problems and we are proud to say they no longer have a bird issue. Not only will a professionally installed Gutter Guard system keep out birds it will also keep your gutters clear of leaves and debris lowering maintenance costs and the need to regularly clean clogged gutters. They can also help protect your home in the event of a nearby fire, by keeping your gutters clear of dry debris.
Birds and pests can carry a wide array of diseases that can then propagate into your home. Bird droppings alone carry around 60 different diseases, and there is every possibility that this could be passed onto your family. While a pest controller can rid these critters from invading your roof momentarily, they can’t prevent them from returning again and again.
To remove these unwanted pests permanently, your best option is to invest in a gutter protection and bird proofing solution. Gutter Guard King Tas, combines the two in a simple and durable protection solution. Here’s how:
At Gutter Guard King Tas, we are the gutter protection specialists and are experts at supplying homeowners with a permanent preventative bird and pest solutions. Through the development of our Gutter Guard products, we can provide our customers with guaranteed protection against unwanted birds nesting and causing damage to your roof’s cavity.
We will provide you will provide you with a Gutter Guard solution that leaves no chance of unexpected visitors residing in your home. Using only the highest quality aluminium, our professional technicians will create a barrier across the top of your gutters that ensures that rainwater can still flow freely, but ensures that most leaves, debris, and feathery friends stay out.
At the time of your Gutter Guard installation, our team of professional gutter guard installers will ensure that a thorough and extensive inspection is completed. This ensures that no birds or large pests are present prior to installation and all your gutters will be thoroughly cleaned.
We take this extra precaution because of the unmatched protection offered by a Gutter Guard King Tas. Once the product is installed, there is no chance of any potentially present critters being able to escape, so we advise you complete a pest eradication before your gutter guard installation.
Gutter Guard King Tasmania’s gutter protection products are crafted from a finely woven mesh, meaning that even the smallest amount of debris and pests can’t penetrate its barriers. This results in a gutter protection system that is clean and clear and requires little to no maintenance on your behalf.
You can rest assured that a Gutter Guard King Tasmania supply and install is developed from only the highest quality materials, providing you with a bird-proof and debris preventative gutter solution that will provide you with the peace of mind you deserve. Want to know more? Call the our team today!