Solar panels are meant to add value to your home, not become homes for wildlife. Birds nesting amongst solar panels is a common problem. Possums and other rodents are also attracted to the high, secure shelter, panels provide. All these pests can cause an array of problems for your panels, including:
Animal soiling and carcases under the solar panels: Not only are their droppings and carcases a physical eyesore, they can give off a repugnant smell. Bird faeces are very corrosive and a build-up of their droppings can damage solar panels. If you live in and around Hobart, you'll be well aware of the number of birds and possums looking for a safe and secure structure to make their home.
Nesting litter: (branches, leaves, feathers etc), can restrict water run-off under the panels; causing downstream problems and clutter your gutters.
The build-up of nesting litter next to electrical equipment – solar panels – can create a serious fire hazard.
Damage wiring: as pests inhabit underneath your solar panels, their movements can disturb cabling. Nibbling on wires can also compromise panels and their effectiveness. The pheromones from birds and rodents can attract more pests to the panels, compounding the problems and inflicting further damage to your panels.
Unfortunately, damage to your solar panels from these pests may void your warranty – depending on the manufacturer. At Gutter Guard King Tasmania, we’ve seen the horrors caused by pests to solar panels and recommend its best to invest and avoid these problems.
There is an easy solution
Birds inhabiting your solar panels can be a big problem but it’s not all doom and gloom. The problem can be easily fixed. In this case, a prevention is better than a cure.
We’ve helped hundreds of customers around Hobart and Tasmania who have experienced bird problems. We are proud to say they no longer have a bird issue, thanks to Gutter Guard King Tasmania.
Gutter Guard King Tasmania offers ‘Bird proofing’ and animal barrier services to stop birds and pests gaining access and nesting under your solar panels and gutters.
Our Bird proofing and Animal Barrier solutions are humane. We simply restrict access around and underneath your panels, forcing birds and pests to find refuge elsewhere. No traps, no bait and no harsh chemicals involved. Our guards are made out of premium materials and guaranteed to last against the outdoor weather.
Ultimately, our Bird proofing solutions will ensure maximum efficiency and prolonged life and warranty of your solar panels.
Remember to be careful of DIY installations, that may compromise your warranty. At Gutter Guard King Tas our professional process does not compromise your solar panel system warranty. Our qualified experts can do the job properly and safely.
Call or Text Gutter Guard King Tasmania today on 0439 651 877. We can help you find the right Bird Proofing - Animal Barrier Solution.