Birds are beautiful to admire… from a distance. Birds taking up residence on top of your roofs and in your gutters can be both annoying and a health hazard. Their constant chirping, nesting, and droppings are enough to drive anyone insane.
If you have a bird problem, Gutter Guard King Tas highly recommends bird proofing your gutters and solar panels, to fix your bird problem once and for all.
What is the difference between bird proofing and bird control?
In terms of bird control and bird proofing, we have a lot of clients who confuse the two. Bird control is performed by pest control experts who physically remove the birds and relocate them. Bird control doesn’t necessarily solve your bird problem as the birds can – and usually do – fly back.
Bird proofing gets to the root cause of the problem. Bird proofing, which is performed by gutter guard specialists – like the professionals at Gutter Guard King Tasmania – creates a physical barrier and blocks birds from accessing your gutters or solar panels.
What is bird proofing?
Bird proofing involves covering your gutters and solar panels with a strong gutter mesh designed to prevent birds and other pests from calling your roof their new home. Because the strong gutter mesh acts as a physical barrier, bird proofing is humane and cost-effective. Once the birds realise they can no longer live amongst your gutters and solar panels, they simply fly away in search of a new home.
Along with bird proofing, installing a gutter guard has many benefits but getting up on the roof to secure bird proofing can be a dangerous task. So, if you don’t have the time or resources to install bird proofing, it’s best to call in the gutter guard professionals.
Some benefits for installing bird proofing include:
Reduces Bird Droppings
We’re talking bird droppings everywhere, on your roof and solar panels, your gutters and even nearby locations like surrounding driveways, patios and cars. Aside from being unsightly, the concentrated urea in bird droppings is highly acidic making surfaces slippery and difficult to clean. The acidic content of bird droppings can also cause discoloration of your roofs and surfaces. With bird proofing, you can expect fewer bird droppings therefore less cleaning and have your roofs looking better for longer.
Reduces Clogged Gutters
Because of their high, secure location, gutters are attractive locations for bird’s nests. As birds build their nests, they introduce leaves and twigs, feathers, droppings and other debris to clog your gutter.
At Gutter Guard King Tas, we’ve seen whole nests become dislodged from heavy rain and cause major blockages, making nests something you want to avoid.
Reduced Health Risk
Birds and their droppings can carry parasites, bacteria, and mould, all of which can create health hazards for vulnerable people like the young, old and immunocompromised. With effective bird proofing, you can keep your loved ones safe from potential disease-carrying birds.
Prevent other pests
Another attractive feature about bird proofing is that the strong mesh used to block gutters and solar panels is also effective against other pests like rats, mice and possums running along your gutters and solar panels, creating very similar problems as birds.
Fix the problem once and for all. Professionally installed bird proofing only needs to be installed once, our mesh is strong enough to reduce the number of gutter blockages and cleans you will need over time and get to the root cause of your bird issues.
Save Money
The costs of leaving your gutters to fend for themselves can really add up, depending on a range of circumstances. While they may be difficult to predict, many of the following issues may be more common that you think. When you compare the one-off costs of installing a gutter protection system versus how much you spend annually on cleaning and maintenance, and the potential costs of what could go wrong with your gutters, it definitely pays to invest to protect the value of your home. Prevention is better than the cure – in more ways than one.
If you are ready to solve your bird and pest problems, call the Gutter Guard King Tasmania.
We use quality and durable gutter guards that are designed to last years. Our experienced staff can install the gutter guard safely and professionally.
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