How many times have you questioned the safety of doing a maintenance task around your home – but decided to go ahead and do it anyway? As Aussies, we are often admired for our optimistic and can-do attitudes; but this can prove very dangerous when it comes to doing some jobs around the home, especially when that job involves ladders. Every day, Aussie homeowners are climbing ladders to do routine home maintenance jobs, like cleaning out gutters. Unfortunately, thousands of people are sustaining serious injuries from ladder related falls.
In the worst cases, people are losing their life as a result. One of the key areas for maintenance on a property is the roof and gutter, so while it might be tempting to ignore gutter maintenance due to the risks involved, this isn’t a good option either, with many serious problems arising from leaving gutters unmaintained.
Blocked gutters can lead to flooding, causing extensive damage to roof and ceiling areas, walls and floors, and destroying precious home contents. They can also lead to pest infestation and pose a fire risk due to a buildup of debris in the gutters.
A recognised way to prevent blocked gutters, and help you minimise your risk of serious injury through a DIY gutter cleaning disaster, is to install a gutter guard or have a professionally trained and insured team clean your gutters.
We will look at:
Man falls while cleaning gutters 11th November 2012 “A man’s weekend effort to clean up around his Oyster Bay home, on the Georges River in Sydney’s south, left him in hospital with multiple fractures. The Care Flight doctor said the 45-year-old man fell an estimated five metres from the roof of his house onto pavers when he slipped while cleaning leaves from gutters. The fall left the man with multiple fractures to his arms, wrists and face. After stabilisation the man was taken ... to St George Hospital where he remained in a serious but stable condition on arrival.” (Care Flight 2012).
Man flown to hospital after ladder fall 18 December 2012 THE Bundaberg AGL Action Rescue Helicopter has airlifted a 46-year-old man to Bundaberg Base Hospital after he fell from a ladder at Miara, 30km north of Bundaberg, yesterday morning. The man was cleaning leaves from the gutter of an amenities block when he slipped and fell, hitting the ladder before landing on the concrete below. He suffered a laceration to his head and other possible back and head injuries but was in a stable condition. (News-Mail 2012).
Man, injured cleaning gutters in Bendigo ahead of rain 29 September 2011 Care Flight doctors work to stabilise a man after a ladder fall. Photo: CAREFLIGHT, Nov 2012 A man was treated by paramedics at Bendigo yesterday afternoon after he fell while trying to clean out gutters. Advanced life support paramedics were called to the scene just after 5pm and found the 53-year-old man with serious injuries to his face. Paramedic David Heath said the man was also confused about what had happened. ‘We were told that he went out to get onto the roof to clear out the gutters because of the rain,’ Mr Heath said. The man’s wife said that she heard the ladder land on the concrete and ran out to find her husband lying face down. The fall would have been about three metres. It appeared as though he had a broken jaw and shoulder injuries. He was then taken by road to Bendigo Hospital in a stable condition (Ambulance Victoria 2012).
Paramedics issue warning after 12 hospitalised from ladder -
They highlight what we already know about ladder-related falls from various studies - that it’s men, usually at or nearing retirement age, doing maintenance around the home who are at the greatest risk of being injured or killed by falling from a ladder (Flinders Research Centre for Injury Studies 2007). Here’s what else we know, courtesy of The Australian National Coroners Information System:
There are many reasons homeowners, particularly those in the highest risks group (males, aged 60 and over) are motivated to ‘do it themselves’. In a recent qualitative study, Monash University Accident Research Centre’s Victorian Injury Safety Unit (VISU) conducted 15 focus groups involving 118 persons aged 60 years and older in two Melbourne communities to explore their level of involvement and motivations for engaging in DIY home maintenance tasks. They found: “The motivations for doing DIY tasks ranged from necessity (for economic reasons) to personal preference to enhance fitness levels, and for the satisfaction and pride that came with successfully completing DIY tasks. Knowing when to give up DIY tasks appeared to be a complex and emotive issue.” (VISU 2006). You don’t have to fall from too high off a ladder to sustain a serious injury either, with only 1-2 metres being enough to risk fractured limbs, spinal cord damage, severe brain injury or even death as a result. Given the risks, should we just give up on cleaning our gutters altogether?
Despite the dangers, gutter cleaning and maintenance is still not an issue that can be ignored. All major insurance companies warn property owners not to be complacent with gutter cleaning, as it keeps gutters clear of debris and is vital to prevent water and other damage to buildings. While each building is different, all are at risk from water damage. From a minor leak to violently destructive winds or storms, any unwanted water intrusion can significantly impact the value of your home. Overflowing gutters are one of the four most common reasons for water entering homes during storms and high rainfall events. Ensuring your gutters, roof, windows and walls are well maintained is essential to reducing the likelihood of water damage around the home.
Risks of leaving gutters unprotected:
The main function of a gutter is to remove or transport water away from the roof – either into a drainpipe or water collection and storage system. A gutter does a good job of removing this water, so long as it is properly maintained. Blockages are common and gutters require ongoing maintenance to ensure they can function properly. Every year, fallen leaves, branches, dirt and debris get washed off roofs into gutters. This can build up at an alarming rate and can cause damage to the guttering itself or to your property. Left unchecked, debris can clog gutters and prevent water from entering the downpipes. As a result, gutters can overflow and flood the roof cavity, causing extensive damage to roofs, walls, flooring and structural problems at the building’s footings, leading to expensive (and avoidable) insurance claims or repairs. Guttering also tends to be a haven for pests, including birds, possums and insects, who use gutters as their home and breeding ground. The wetter the climate, the more likely that moss and other build up will occur.
Common problems with litter and debris build up in gutters include:
Frequent blockages leading to overflow flooding at times of heavy rainfall and storms
What’s lurking in your gutter?
If we accept that the gutters still have to be cleaned, if there is a safer, more cost-effective way to address this task? As part of their study, the VISU (Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit) researchers made a number of recommendations to prevent injuries and fatalities from falls around the home. They recommend removing the need to access heights where possible, for example, installing gutter guards (gutter mesh) to reduce the ladder use around the home (VISU 2006). Installing gutter guards can greatly reduce the maintenance activity spent on the roof and gutter and eliminate the need to work at height several times a year to clear blocked gutters. It provides a long-term solution by preventing debris from entering the gutter in the first place. No gutter guard system is maintenance free; however, installing gutter guards greatly reduces the number of times you’ll need to access the roof and gutter for cleaning and maintenance – reducing your exposure to ladders and possible falls. The cleaning required is also far easier, due to the amount of debris prevented from entering your gutters.
Over-the-gutter systems form a physical barrier to prevent leaves and debris from entering gutters. Typically constructed using either steel or aluminium mesh, this form of gutter protection ensures year-round low-maintenance protection. The ski-slope design of over-the-gutter gutter protection systems ensures that leaves and debris are blown off the roof through wind action whilst water is drawn through the mesh into the gutter. This form of gutter protection is highly superior to other in-gutter systems (e.g. gutter coils, foam or brushes) which don’t stop debris from entering the gutter and can lead to a myriad of other problems (clogging, dislodging and risk of falls from DIY installation and need for more regular cleaning and maintenance).
Installing a gutter guard can greatly reduce the maintenance activity (time/money) spent on the roof and gutter, the need to work at height and subsequent risk of falls. The benefits far outweigh the one-off upfront costs. See post 7 BEST WAYS TO SAVE MONEY WITH GUTTER GUARD to learn more.
How often should you clean your gutters? It really depends on your property. Do you live in a leafy suburb? Is your home surrounded by trees? If the answer is yes, you may find yourself needing to clean your gutters every three months to prevent them getting clogged with leaves and debris. However, even regular cleaning has inherent risks and can still fail. A significant storm event or even a few days of windy weather can deposit significant debris onto the roof and gutter, causing blockages. If followed by heavy rain, enormous amounts of water can back up onto the roof, run down behind sidings and flashings, and penetrate to interior walls. No gutter protection system is completely maintenance free; you will still need to check your gutters every year and flush out the sludge that can damage your gutters if left. However, installing gutter guards greatly reduces the number of times you’ll need to clean your gutters to, on average, once a year. This means that those property owners who would normally undertake gutter cleaning themselves in an attempt to save money will more likely be able to outsource this job to a professional.
Invest to extend your gutters’ life. Installed gutter guards act to extend gutter life by keeping gutters clear of leaf build-up and ensuring gutters dry out quickly after rain. This significantly reduces the potential of the gutter to rust, extending the overall life of the gutter. All environments are corrosive to some degree, although certain environments create more intense conditions for corrosion than others. This includes areas where there is more water exposure, such as marine or coastal environments.
Neglected gutters that are left to fill with leaves, debris and water have a higher incidence of rust. An aluminium gutter guard has superior strength to other common gutter guard materials. However, not all aluminium gutter guards are created equal. Some aluminium gutter guard products are formed by stretching sheets of steel and cutting small holes in it to make ‘mesh’/apertures which leaves a myriad of edges which are not zinc coated and therefore subject to rust. By contrast, Gutter Guard King Tas Gutter Mesh is manufactured by weaving and welding steel to form a mesh, before it is put through a process of hot dipped zinc coating, priming, painting and oven baking to deliver a coating thickness that provides superior corrosion resistance, which performs extremely well across a range of environments in independent test results.
Protect your home from natural hazards – storms and bushfire
Severe weather events tend to dominate Australia’s climate. Storm damage is particularly significant, with insurance payouts for storm damage topping the list ahead of cyclones, earthquakes, floods or bushfires (ABS 2010). During these events, poorly maintained roofs and gutters can lead to significant damage and put lives at risk as home owners struggle to clear gutters in dangerous conditions. At the other extreme, Australia is considered the most fire prone country in the world.
See post HOW TO PROTECT YOUR HOME FROM FIRE EMBERS DURING A BUSH FIRE to learn more. Catastrophic bushfire conditions can affect many parts of Australia at different times of the year. All new buildings built in designated bushfire-prone areas need to comply with the updated Australian Standard for the Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas (AS 3959 2009/ Amdt 2011). Under the new standard and building regulations all bushfire prone new buildings need to be guarded by using an ember guard. A Gutter Guard System is designed to minimize the access of debris and leaf litter to the gutters of your home. In a bushfire-prone area, it must:
It must:
Create a no-go zone for pests around the home
A gutter guard system is also very effective at preventing birds, vermin and possums from entering the roof space; while eliminating mosquito breeding grounds by ensuring water doesn’t get trapped in the gutter.
Improve the quality of your rain water collection for homeowners using rainwater tank systems, it also improves water quality and quantity of rain water harvest by preventing leaves and debris collecting and breaking down in the gutter, and extends the life of gutters by ensuring they dry quickly after rain.
Gutter cleaning may seem like a routine home maintenance task - but combine a ladder, various tools (buckets, hoses, leaf blowers), inappropriate safety equipment and a strenuous activity that involves climbing, carrying and reaching - it’s not hard to see how falls that can result in serious injuries for homeowners are on the rise. Carrying out the work yourself can be a false economy if you get hurt, find yourself in hospital and unable to go to work. Consider your other options like installing gutter guards on your home. You will reap the rewards very quickly – extending the life of your gutters; protecting the value of your home; and avoiding damage through water intrusion, pests and fire. The list of benefits is long – but surely the biggest benefit of all is your safety, health and wellbeing. Even with gutter guards, you will still have to check and clean your gutters once a year so consider outsourcing the job wherever possible. If you must go up a ladder, here are some tips:
7 easy steps using a ladder at home
1. Use a ladder that meets the Australian Standard (AS/NZS 1892). Ask the retailer if you are unsure.
2. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety warnings. Before using a ladder, make sure it:
3. Make sure there are no power lines or exposed electrical wiring near the ladder. Never use ladders during storms, or in rainy or windy weather.
4. Lean the ladder against a wall at a ratio of 4:1 to stop it from falling over. For example, if the ladder is four metres tall, place the foot of the ladder one metre from the wall.
5. When climbing on a ladder:
6. When working on a ladder:
7. Be mindful of individual circumstances. Do not use a ladder if you are affected by medication or a health condition that may cause you to lose balance. Avoid using a ladder if you are alone or cannot get help in the case of an accident.
Gutter Guard King Tas is a locally owned and operated family business specialising in gutter protection for both residential and commercial properties. Having found a gap in the market for suitable solutions to solve issues such as clogged gutters, fire ember protection, keeping out pests and vermin and maintaining free-flowing water in your gutter system, Gutter Guard King Tas was formed. With a lack of quality options out there, we decided to bring quality to the market, with a smile. Being a small family owned business, we know how to treat each and every customer with courtesy and respect. Our customers are our business and this is what separates us from the big boys. When you use Gutter Guard King Tas you are a customer for life, not just a number.
We pride ourselves on providing outstanding service to our customers and ensuring they are fully satisfied with our service. Your gutter protection will be installed directly by either the business owner or an experienced contractor who has all the training and insurances required to offer you peace of mind. We clean up all mess once we are finished and will even clean out your gutters before installation, to ensure a first call service is provided. To arrange a free quote and inspection, contact us today! When we visit, we will bring our custom-made trailer for you to see and feel the product in person. This way you get a full understanding of our gutter guard quality and effectiveness before proceeding.
Your peace of mind Guarantee and written Warranty
Find out more about Gutter Guard Protection